Control your Wedge Play like players on the Tour (3distances 1swing)

Control your Wedge Play like players on the Tour (3distances 1swing)

I want to learn to control 1 swing with my wedge shots.  The way I’m going to make the ball go different distances is to use different clubs.
I think about it like almost cheating, because so few handicap amateur players understand let alone use this awesome tip.
Now I have experimented to discover what distances my different clubs travel.
I start at 115 yards, that’s normal PW for me.  Normal means that I’m not trying to hit it to hard, just a comfortable tempo.
90 yards is my 54-degree SW and finally 65 yards is my 60-degree LW.
I’m not trying to use a different swing; I simple allow the loft of the club to depict the different distances.
This is such a cool tip, yet not players concentrate on getting the ball to these comfortable yardages.
Tour players live and die by these types of drills.  They spend hour after hour honing their skills from these ranges.
I also calculate a few different distances into my shot: for example:
115 yards to the flag, however I have 6 yards of green over the flag, so if I can land the ball between 115 and 121 the ball will end up close to the hole.
I also make note of the fact that 6 yards short of the flag is a bank that would sweep the ball back off the green and away from the flag leaving a tricky up and down.
Working out these things and making sure I have a good strategy before I even attempt to hit the shot will really help me commit to the shot I’m about to play.
So practice 1 swing with a few different clubs and see how easy it is to start controlling your distances.


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